CNN Host Laughs In Larry Pratt's Face When He Said Bar Owners Should 'Control The Amount Of Booze' They Sell

Larry Pratt's big idea to protect Americans in clubs is to make owners limit the amount of alcohol they can sell so people can carry weapons and not shoot each other in a drunken stupor.

CNN's Carol Costello had on Larry Pratt, guru of Gun Owners Of America because the Senate is taking up four gun measures today, including not allowing people on the terror watch list to buy a weapon.

Pratt, a bug-eyed pro-gun advocate came up with a novel idea to eliminate "gun free zones" in bars, which he believes is the real cause of mass shootings by telling bar owners to limit the amount of "booze they sell" so everybody can be armed.

Seriously, he said that. Carol Costello laughed in his face.

Pratt believes that the right to bears arms supersedes a person's line of work or the safety of their customers. Every bar would go out of business if they had a two drink maximum so that people could freely carry their magnum 45's.

"Neither party is addressing the gorilla in the room, which is all of our mass murders, save two, since 1950, have been in gun free zones, just like the ones in Orlando," Pratt lied.

Costello cut in and said in Orlando there was an armed guard there, but Pratt argued that since he was the only one, it was a gun free zone and it's only safe in the minds of politicians.

Costello responded, "It was a gun free zone because it was a bar, when people drink the state of Florida probably doesn't think it's a very good idea to arm patrons."

Pratt interjected, "Control the amount of booze you sell them, but don't...

"In a bar?"

"...make them sitting ducks."

Costello laughed at him, "in a bar?"

Pratt continued, "Yes, it might hurt business.."

"That's why you go to a bar."

"Do you think a mass murderer hurts business? That's what gun free zones do."

So every club, bar and I guess restaurant should have every person packing heat to protect themselves against windmills.

No wonder Carol Costello burst out laughing.

This man has a screw loose.

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