Many Injured After Walking On Hot Coals At Motivational Seminar
Tony Robbins sells snake oil, but this time it was boiling snake oil.
What is the matter with people? Did their parents not tell them that if they touch hot things, they get burned? Are we so far gone now that if someone says, yes, please walk over hot coals we do it without asking whether it's a good idea?
Apparently so. Thursday night, dozens of people in Dallas were burned badly after they walked over beds of hot coals at a Tony Robbins motivational seminar, according to a CBS News report.
Robbins advertised the seminar as an “unleash the power within” event, "designed to help you unlock and unleash the forces inside that can help you break through any limit and create the quality of life you desire."
“Storm across a bed of hot coals,” it says on his website. ” Once you start doing what you thought was impossible, you’ll conquer the other fires of your life with ease.”
Apparently a lot of people shed their common sense and went on their conquest to burn their feet badly.
What's next? A nice application of snake oil to cure the burns?
Come ON, people. Think for yourselves. Fire, HOT. Hot, BURNS. Burns, HURT.
I taught my kids this when they were two. What the hell?