Laura Ingraham Would Like GOP Leaders To STFU About Trump's Racism

If they'd just be quiet about it, it would go away.

Laura Ingraham is very, very hot under the collar at Republican leaders this week. She would like them to please just STFU and sit down like Führer Drumpf has requested. And whatever they do, please, please stop talking about the Orange One's racism, dammit!

Transcript via Media Matters:

And I've said, I say this all with also acknowledging that as I've said from the very beginning, I wouldn't have done what Trump did. I would not have said there's a temporary ban on all Muslims coming into the country. I just wouldn't have said that.

That's not how I would have worded it, but I'd be, if were a leader of the Republican Party, I would have said, "You know something? Donald Trump and I don't agree on everything, and I think we can refashion our reform to immigration and the refugee program in a way that, you know, we all can agree on, but let me tell you what President Obama did."

You know, that's what you do if you support someone, you don't just throw them under the bus and either say they're racist, Islamophobic, hateful, awful, just add the litany of what the Democrats are saying. Because right now Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, and add about 15 other Republicans to that mix, might as well be getting commission as ad salesmen for Hillary Clinton because they are doing nothing except helping Hillary Clinton get elected to the presidency of the United States. And will you remember this?

But Laura, here's the problem. They have to say those things to deflect from their own racist, Islamophobic, hateful, awful, just add the litany of what the Democrats are saying behavior. The only reason they're saying it is because Trump is more up-front about his racism than any of them are.

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