Li'l Marco Rubio Decides Maybe He Wants To Be A Senator After All

His placeholder, David Jolly, is stepping aside for him to assume the mantle.

Coming as a surprise to almost no one, placeholder Rep. David Jolly has dropped out of the Florida Senate race in anticipation of Li'l Marco's announcement that maybe the Senate isn't so bad after all, and maybe he misses campaigning against people who aren't insane or something, because after riding with President Obama on Air Force One to Orlando yesterday, he's totally in it to win it.

Maybe. He's still not sure.

Jolly told CNN he has heard rumors Rubio would be jumping into the race and so decided to run for re-election in his Congressional District instead, leaving the field clear for Rubio.

The only problem here is that Jolly doesn't know anything other than rumors, as his campaign clarified later.

Rubio was swept into the Senate on the crest of 2010's Tea Party wave, but has disappointed many of his most ardent supporters by actually not behaving like a total lunatic. It will be interesting, in the Age of Trump, to see if Rubio has a snowball's chance in hell.

Assuming he actually runs, which is a decision he hasn't yet made, according to reports.

Isn't this a fun election season?

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