Please Donate To C&L's 2016 Climate Change Deniers Fundraiser

We need your help to continue fighting the good fight.

Yesterday it was 108' in Studio City and 88 degrees where I live, but that's just normal climate behavior, right? Sure we exhale out fumes and there are bad types of emissions and whatnot, but God made us this way, dude! You people are nuts because China is a bad place, man. It's a very bad place and why should we bother if they don't care, right?

Oh, wait...

France — With the sudden bang of a gavel Saturday night, representatives of 195 nations reached a landmark accord that will, for the first time, commit nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions to help stave off the most drastic effects ofclimate change.

In a remarkable shift from their previous standoffs over the issue, senior officials from both the United States and China praised the Paris accord on Saturday night.

But Donald Trump said China is evil!

OK, you see where I'm gong with this. We beat back every right wing myth that's out there and we need your help to continue to do just that, so please dig deep.

You can hit the donate button above, or send a check to us here:

P.O. BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066

Help us out to continue fighting the con men of the oil industry.

It's harder than ever for bloggers to sustain themselves, so please click on the donate button above or use our PO Box.

Give what you can and if you can afford a little extra, we'd really appreciate it. You can also sign up as an automatic donor as well.

Your generosity helps keep us going.

Thanks so much,
John Amato

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