Ron Johnson Defends AR-15: 'Bombs Kill People, Too'

Senator Johnson missed the point.

Can we all agree that AR-15s are nothing more than weapons of mass death? In case you haven't noticed, they've been used to slaughter people in San Bernardino, Newtown and several more. There is no other use for them than to kill people en masse.

But Senator Ron Johnson is going to lose his seat to Russ Feingold, so he needs the NRA and they are more than willing to back him for the low, low price of defending their precious weapon of death.

On CNN this morning, Johnson came up with the dumbest defense yet of the AR-15. After claiming his fealty to our Constitution by admonishing us not to give up "more of our constitutional rights" by limiting the second amendment, Wolf Blitzer asked him whether he considered the AR-15 to be an assault weapon, because it's capable of killing a lot of people.

"So do bombs," Johnson replied. "It's not law-abiding gun owners that are the problem here, it's Islamic terrorists."

Johnson failed to note that bombs are illegal. On the other hand, the shooter in Orlando was "a law-abiding gun owner" until he walked into that nightclub early Sunday morning. So exactly how is it that anyone would have actually known that he was a Bad Guy With An AR-15 until he actually was?

I remarked yesterday that this entire incident unwinds the "Good Guy With A Gun" theory, because the guy with the AR-15 is the bad guy, and he can kill all the Good Guys with guns before they get a chance to pull them out and shoot him.

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