Donald Trump Actually Said 'No One Should Be Judged By Their Race Or Their Color'

Trump goes all pro-sanctity of marriage and race blind at Faith And Freedom conference, reading from a teleprompter, too.

Donald Trump spoke today at Ralph Reed's cash cow, the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, and boy, was it a doozy.

After a few opening remarks the speech turned into reading a list of Evangelical buzzwords off a teleprompter. This is the new improved "on message" Donald Trump.

You can tell when he starts to improvise because he breaks away and says "so important, so important," as he juts his chin outward to the crowd.

After telling the audience that the only really happy rich people are the ones that have that "great religion feel and marriage," suddenly, as if the teleprompter had a mind of its own, he said this:

"Freedom of any kind means no one should be judged by their race or their color and the color of their skin — should not be judged that way. And right now we have a very divided nation. If I win, we're going to bring our nation together.”

NO, REALLY. He actually mouthed those words. After months and months of impugning the religious freedom of Muslim refugees trying to find a safe haven in America and bad mouthing undocumented workers from Mexico at every turn, he had the audacity to say those words.

I immediately tweeted this as a response:

Then he continued stroking the phony Ralph Reed and his flock of grifters.

“The importance of faith to United States of society, it's really the people who go to church, who work and work in religious charity — so important — and share their values. These are the foundations of our society."

I don't think he even understands what he's talking about there, but it probably put some cash in Ralph Reed's pocket. I wonder if the money coming from sucking up to Trump is any better than taking laundered money in the Jack Abramoff scandal. And has Trump promised Reed there won't be any lobbyist financing reform under his "administration"? Hey Ralph, how about a little full disclosure? Nevermind.

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