Ann Coulter Asks If Hillary Had Bernie Supporters 'Gassed'

She didn't just say that?

Ann Coulter Asks If Hillary Had Bernie Supporters 'Gassed'

One of the huuuugeist Donald Trump supporters is Ann Coulter as most everybody knows.

At one time she was the darling of the Conservative movement, willing to say anything for a laugh and a headline. However, since 2005, the Republican party has transformed themselves into something unrecognizable from the first term of George W. Bush.

Now they've far surpassed her crazy antics and many Republican politicians utter much more offensive words and thoughts than she ever has.

But recently she is making a comeback, and it's because of Trump. Trump's comments on "Mexicans as rapists" meshes with Ann's atrocities on immigration. Coulter has no problem going after journalists a' la Trump, as when she attacked Fareed Zakaria for speaking in a thick Indian accent. And the public anti-Antisemitism of both the alt-Right social media monsters, as well as (sometimes more subtle but often not) Republican public officials.

So last night, Coulter clearly felt left out of the Anti-Semite Twitter Party:

There are no words.

But it's not the first time. In 2007, Coulter actually got push back when she told Donnie Deutsch that she wanted "Jews to be perfected."

It begins around the two-minute mark. These comments had so much blow-back, that she cancelled all media appearances for a long time just to hide out.

DEUTSCH: That isn't what I said, but you said I should not -- we should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians, then, or --


DEUTSCH: Really?

COULTER: Well, it's a lot easier. It's kind of a fast track.

DEUTSCH: Really?

COULTER: Yeah. You have to obey.

DEUTSCH: You can't possibly believe that.


DEUTSCH: You can't possibly -- you're too educated, you can't -- you're like my friend in --

COULTER: Do you know what Christianity is? We believe your religion, but you have to obey.

DEUTSCH: No, no, no, but I mean --

COULTER: We have the fast-track program.

DEUTSCH: Why don't I put you with the head of Iran? I mean, come on. You can't believe that.

COULTER: The head of Iran is not a Christian.

DEUTSCH: No, but in fact, "Let's wipe Israel" --

COULTER: I don't know if you've been paying attention.

DEUTSCH: "Let's wipe Israel off the earth." I mean, what, no Jews?

COULTER: No, we think -- we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.

DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?

The only way to deal with Coulter, given that she is such an attention addict, is with utter ridicule. Take it away, Al Franken:

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