Krauthammer Mocks Bill O'Reilly For Acting Like A Trump Surrogate

Fox News' Charles Krauthammer bashed Bill O'Reilly for not forcing Donald Trump to get specific on how he'd handle ISIS or terrorism in general.

Charles Krauthammer ripped into Bill O'Reilly for letting Donald Trump skate on what his specific proposals would be to defeat ISIS.

Krauthammer mocked Trump's usual line of "We have got to be strong and we have got to be smart," as nothing more than bogus talking points and took aim at O'Reilly for acting like a Trump surrogate.

KRAUTHAMMER: I think if you are naïve and a guy says I'm going to be strong, I'm going to be smart but he doesn't say a word about what he is going to do and how he is going to do it, who the enemy is and what the strategy is because he says I don't want to give away secrets. I don't want ISIS to be on guard when I unveil this truly sophisticated strategy. Look, this is spinning on your part by saying short on specifics. He doesn't -- he may have an idea of what he is going to do but he has never told us.

Bill objected when Charles called him out for "spinning" Donald Trump's answers and finally admitted to his audience that he has no idea what Trump is planning to do to stop ISIS.

O’REILLY: It's not spinning. It's an accurate statement. He’s short on specifics. You’re a wordsmith.

KRAUTHAMMER: In other words, he’s got no specifics.

O’REILLY: You’re saying no and I'm saying short.

KRAUTHAMMER: Short meaning what? You’re going to make a declaration of war and that's going to end the ISIS threat?

O’REILLY: I don't know what he's going to do.

Krauthammer wins point, set, match, BillO.

But Trump is supposed to be the "law and order" candidate? How can he claim that without a plan? Or does he just plan to keep yelling "Throw them out!" like he does at rallies?

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