Donald's 'Star Of David' Rant Demonstrates Why He Can Never Have The Nuclear Codes

His rambling, incoherent, self-pitying defense of his antisemitic tweet is only one of many reasons.

I've written a lot about Donald Trump and why I believe he's a fascist, and I'm about to write one more of those. But this isn't simply about his politics, or how he sees himself as a dictator. This is about a man who has some serious cognitive issues, and cannot ever be trusted to put his hands on the levers of government.

This is about a man who, if he were at your aunt's Thanksgiving dinner table, would be dismissed as having a few too many beers while watching football earlier in the day. People would slowly drift away from the table, but he would still be talking. Later that night, he'd go home and slap his wife around. This is the kind of man he is.

This is about a man who exists only to feed his massive ego, and nurse all wounds to it in public.

Here is the transcript of his "Star of David" rant from a rally earlier tonight, thanks to Sarah P.

"It's a star. It's just a star. It turned out in the mind of the press. It could have been a sheriff star. My son comes home...It's a star."

Referring to the tweet which was deleted last weekend, Trump asked, "Have you all seen this? And it actually looks like a sheriff star. and behind it there is money. "

"Actually they are racially profiling, not us. Why are they bringing this up. so anyway...Dan [Scavino] is a good guy." Presumably Trump is defending his social media manager who has taken quite a bit of heat for that tweet.

"I didn't get angry at him. I said, 'Dan, this is a star. CNN from morning to night, all weekend long, CNN, dishonest as hell...I have tweets...CNN won't talk about anything but your star.'"

"They say it is the Star of David. I have a son in law who is Jewish. I have a daughter who is Jewish. i have grandchildren...they are great people...Ivanka married a jewish guy....so they took this star...to me it was just a star, but to me it was really just a sheriff star.

"CNN goes, 'It is a Star of David and because it is a Star of David'...these people are sick. they are sick. they are sick."

"And I will tell you, I will tell you the real story of CNN one day. I don't watch it anymore. I have to say, Fox is tough on me, but at least they are fair. no one watches MSNBC. but I think they are better than CNN."

"They call CNN the Clinton News Network. so this star. which is a star...i said you have to be kidding. How sick are they. They are the one with the bad tendencies. They said there is money around...These are sick people...bad people...what you do is don't watch CNN anymore."

"And they sit around, they talk badly about Donald Trump," which was his conclusion on this particular riff, but was also the punch line. They talk badly about Donald Trump. This is unforgivable.

He closed with, "We shouldn't have taken it down! I would rather have defended it."

Which is, of course, what he just did. He defended an image which was clearly anti-Semitic in nature, which was clearly a Star of David, which was clearly superimposed upon a pile of money, which was clearly sourced from an alt-right neo-Nazi person, if not group.

And this is how he will go on, over and over again, over any perceived slight, over anything that makes them "talk badly about Donald Trump."


Speaking of thin-skinned, here's Trump at another point freaking out over a mosquito.

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