Elizabeth Warren Unleashes The Kraken On Gov. Mike Pence
Twitter has been very kind to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, but not so much for the GOPers that she targets.
Senator Elizabeth Warren has easily been the best spokesperson against Donald Trump the world has ever seen.
She has displayed an affinity towards destroying the "mangled apricot hell beast" and all that the GOP stands for.
In speech after speech, she has picked him apart, barely leaving any bones left to be buried from her onslaught.
Even MSNBC's Morning Joe admitted how Warren is trouncing Trump and the GOP.
And today, after Trump held a bizarre presser to welcome Gov. Mike Pence onto his ticket, she released the Kraken, with a Herculean WarrenNado twitter storm.
.@realDonaldTrump & @mike_pence are a perfect match: Two small, insecure, weak men who use hate & fear to divide our country & our people.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 16, 2016
Of COURSE @realDonaldTrump – a guy who calls women fat pigs & bimbos – picked a VP who is famous for trying to control women’s bodies.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 16, 2016
The @GOP platform is the most anti-choice ever: defund @PPFA & denounce all abortion. Even cases of rape, incest & woman's potential death.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 16, 2016
And OF COURSE @realDonaldTrump – a guy who “[doesn’t] feel good” about marriage equality – picked a VP famous for LGBT discrimination.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 16, 2016
The @GOP platform says overturn marriage equality & it supports parents putting their LGBT children through conversion therapy. Disgusting.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 16, 2016
The @GOP platform even says that children not from “natural marriage” are more likely to be drug addicts. Hateful AND disgusting.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 16, 2016