FBI Director's Furious Response Over Allegations He Colluded With Clinton Campaign

Director James Comey finally had enough of the Republicans innuendo's and flat out attacks on his character during the Congressional hearing this morning about the Clinton email case.

FBI Director Comey got very angry today when Florida Rep. John Mica repeatedly impugned his integrity over the non-prosecution of the Clinton email server.

After Rep. Mika continually asked questions that seemed to indicate that he and FBI colluded with various factions along with the Hillary Clinton campaign so that he did not press charges against her, Comey had had enough.

When the questioning was finished, Comey angrily asked to respond to Mika's insinuations and he said, "Can I respond?"

"I hope what you'll tell the folks in the cafe is, look me in the eye and listen to what I'm about to say. I did not coordinate that with anyone. The White House, the Department of Justice, nobody outside the FBI family had any idea what I was about to say. I say that under oath, I stand by that. There was no coordination, there was an insinuation in what you were saying, I don't mean to get strong in responding, but I want to make sure I was definitive about that."

This is such a stupid event. Republicans in the House did not get the result the wanted, so they stage a hasty show trial for the investigator. Comey, a Republican who contributed to both the McCain and Romney campaigns, is having none of it.

By the way, Comey was confirmed by the Senate as FBI director in a near-unanimous vote. Rand Paul (yeah) was the only Senator to vote no. They voted for him because of his integrity, and now that they want him to have NO integrity, he is disappointing them? Tough.

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