Fox News: President Obama Sees Things Through Eyes Of An 'Aggrieved Black Activist'
Empathy, Brit. You should try it sometime.
Oh, finally! The gloves are off over at Fox News. No more handling the President with gentle double entendres. The only word Brit Hume didn't use in his commentary on the Dallas police shootings, Black Lives Matter, and President Obama was "racist." But he certainly implied it.
"In Dallas, Tuesday, President Obama will be trying to calm racial tensions that his own behavior has done much to aggravate," a hopelessly self-righteous Brit Hume declared.
Hume went on to name every moment where the President has reacted with any empathy toward black people, reaching all the way back to the Henry Louis Gates affair, when Gates was arrested for trying to get into his own house. Surely he shouldn't have though that was in any way untoward, don't you see?
He continued, "The president has consistently chosen to see things through the eyes of an aggrieved black activist rather than of a president of all the people. He has not failed to speak out whenever a black is killed by a white police officer, but has said next to nothing about the continuing slaughter of blacks by other blacks in the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, and other cities."
Oh yes, there's the black-on-black crime nonsense they always spew, but no mention of the fact that more police officers lose their lives at the hands of white people.
It's also untrue that President Obama has not addressed the violence in Chicago, Baltimore and other cities. In fact, it's something he addresses early, and often. But facts aren't important when you're Fox News. (Just ask Gretchen Carlson)
"He has made his sympathy for the Black Lives Matter movement obvious, and never mind that the whole premise of the movement seems to be fallacious," Hume concluded.
Folks, let's just remember something here. Our President is a Black man. He has some empathy with other African-Americans who are unfairly stigmatized on a daily, ongoing basis by media outlets like Fox News. I understand that they are run by a man who advised Richard Nixon on how to win the media cycles and ultimately the 1968 election, but there is absolutely nothing fallacious about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Like I said, they didn't come out and call President Obama a racist, but they really did. Maybe if they understood the word "empathy" in anything other than a shade of white, they'd get it. I'm just kidding, you guys!
[h/t Media Matters]
Here's Eric Bolling expanding on that whole "fallacious premise" thing.
Fox's Bolling: Black Lives Matter is "rooted in evil, and death, and hate and racism" and "shouldn't be recognized":
— Brendan Karet (@SpideyScouting) July 11, 2016