Mike Huckabee's Solution To Police Violence: Join The Police Academy

The former Arkansas governor told Fox News that if you're unhappy with law enforcement, then join up or shut up!

Mike Huckabee had a message for the Black Lives Matters' group and anyone who are unhappy with the brutality revolving around innocent people being gunned down by law enforcement.

On Fox News he said, "If you think you can do a better job, go to the police academy earn your badge, earn your weapon, get out on the streets and take the low pay and show us how it outta be done."

Way to go, Mike! That's real thinking on your part.

Huckabee is one of the chief race-deniers in the GOP and that's his big solution?

The former governor of Arkansas also wants our leaders, including President Obama and Loretta Lynch to bring perspective" to the recent shootings and made the case that more white people have been shot by law enforcement than blacks so what's the beef?

On a statistical level, when a greater proportion of the population is white, that most certainly would be the case, Mike.

But when he demands that Loretta Lynch and President Obama bring the "proper perspective" into the discussion, he only means his and Rudy Giuliani's perspective are the ones that count.

All Americans know being a police officer is a very difficult job and are grateful for their service, but when Americans protest over the needless deaths caused by being black, guess what Huckabee's solution is?

Huckabee said, "If you think you can do a better job, go to the police academy earn your badge, earn your weapon, get out on the streets and take the low pay and show us how it outta be done."

What a simple minded and idiotic statement to make from a former governor. He sounds like a spoiled teenager yelling, "You do it then!"

And he finished on this note, "There are some bad politicians too and we don't do anything about them."

Hello, moron. We have elections, ever hear of them? That's what's happening in the country right now.

If Americans thinks politicians suck, they get voted out of office or are never elected in the first place.

You have great experience with that process, Governor.

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