Retired Army Lt. General: Open Carry Gun Laws Are 'Absolutely Crazy'

Does anyone believe the police would ever be in favor of these insane gun laws?

Retired Army Lt. General Russel Honore, who's from Baton Rouge scolded "open carry" gun laws and told CNN's Anderson Cooper that "open carry laws are driving the police crazy" and "they are on full alert"

He was asked to discuss today's horrific police shooting and explain the mood in the city after the Alton Sterling shooting.

He explained, "The tension, you could cut it with a knife and there was just another incident with a person coming through, telling the police he had a gun in the car and it started almost another incident of getting him out of the car and securing the gun."

So we almost had another shooting incident because of our gun laws.

General Honore continued, "This open carry is gonna drive the American police crazy."

"This is absolutely crazy. To think you can carry a gun anywhere, anytime because it's putting the police hyped up and then people get confused. I don't know how they are going to handle this mess in the convention. It's totally stupid."

Cleveland is going to be a nightmare for the local police and the Secret Service with gun fanatics bent on displaying their pieces.

These laws are stupid, and incredibly dangerous and deadly. How far down the rabbit hole has the GOP fallen? Why have they passed legislation after legislation that makes their jobs and security 1000 times harder than it already was? I thought they supported the police in every way?

Lt. General Russel Honore's honesty is refreshing and his remarks will resonate throughout America. It's quite clear that law enforcement absolutely despises open carry laws.

Only the Ann Coulters of the GOP would say something like this.

And as usual, Digby slapped her down.

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