RNC CIVIL WAR: Crowd Boos Ted Cruz Off The Stage After He Won't Endorse Trump (Video)

Ted Cruz' speech was incredibly boring until the crowd decided to spice it up.

The end of Ted Cruz's speech was amazing, not because he said anything amazing, but because the crowd brown-shirted him off the stage when they realized he had no intention of endorsing Donald Trump for President.

The speech itself was the usual Cruz smarmfest, but about three minutes before the end, and just after he said to "build the wall," the crowd got very, very restless, and started shouting, "Endorse Trump!" at him over and over again.

He acknowledged the "New York delegation" and then continued on with his speech, but the crowd was having none of it. They were lit up and angry. They started shouting "Endorse Trump!" over and over, and that devolved into "We Want Trump!"

Meanwhile, on the convention floor:

Other reactions:

And Cruz himself:

To those who thought Cruz would go quietly, guess again. The best part: No one will be talking about anything but Ted Cruz tomorrow. Nothing else will matter.


Trumpkin weighs in:

Way to close that deal, Donald.

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