Sarah Palin Melts Down Over FBI Clearing Hillary Clinton
She calls for the overthrow of the government.
Sarah "Splodey Heads Are Splodin'' Palin went mental today after James Comey cleared Hillary Clinton of any criminal charges.
She took to her beloved Facebook page and went ballistic.
Ironic, tragic, but not unexpected - amidst America's Independence Day celebrations the Ruling Class put another boot on our neck to snuff liberty's life out of We the People.It's a farce that "no one is above the law" and my heart goes out to all who've been unjustly accused and destroyed over much lesser crimes than Hillary's.
As Charles Johnson surmises, Palin is calling for the overthrow of the federal government.
Today's FBI forgiveness of tyrants' illegal acts illustrate purpose in why I insist Americans rise up and tear down this tyrannical system that is destroying America from within. Truly, you're either with us or you're against us.
Then she had a message for chappedass:
Message to all the "Republican" elites throwing in for Hillary, boasting they'll stay home instead of vote because their particular weakened good ol' boy is not the GOP nominee (the R.A.T.s suffering chappedass because their power and purse are threatened by the grassroots movement to destroy their failed politics-as-usual), Hillary thanks you. She knows she can't win without you.
Read the whole spiel if you want to regress intellectually.
I sure hope she gets to be the Keynote speaker at Trump's RNC convention.