Sen. Jeff Sessions 'Rejects' Khizr Khan's Criticism Of Trump

Well, that makes it just fine, right?

Trump surrogates are all over the Sunday shows this morning working hard to weave some propaganda spin around his horrible attitude toward Muslims and the Khan family in particular since the Democratic convention.

Senator Jeff Sessions was the chosen voice to appear on CNN's State of the Union for some damage control after Donald Trump hammered Gold Star parents Khzir and Ghazala Khan twice yesterday.

When asked about Khizr Khan's condemnation of Trump as a "man with a black heart," Sessions emphatically said, "I reject that and I'm disappointed that he said that."

Sessions then went on to justify Trump's hateful attitude with more spin about how Trump "praised" Khan. Actually, he didn't praise him at all. This is what Trump said, and what Khan reacted to.

Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm. Given the state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible. While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. If I become President, I will make America safe again.

The highlighted sentence reads like one Trump inserted after the professionals on his campaign wrote a fairly benign but more acceptable statement, and this is the one that generated the reaction from Mr. Khan, saying Trump had a "black heart."

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