Trump And O'Reilly Agree: It's World War III!

The irresponsibility is breathtaking, and terrifying all at once.

Right after news broke about today's attack in Nice, France, Donald Trump cancelled his news conference to announce his VP, realizing that the news cycle wouldn't put enough attention on it.

Instead, he headed straight over to Fox News and Bill O'Reilly's show to talk about what he, Donald Trump the (proto)fascist, would do if he were in the Oval Office right this second.

Before we discuss what President Drumpf would do, I need to tell you that Bill O'Reilly just declared World War III. In those words. Which could possibly be the most irresponsible act media has indulged itself in ever. It is not Roger Ailes and BillO's job to declare war. That honor belongs to Congress, and Congress alone.

"It's a World War, now. We're in a world war scenario. It's no longer just an isolated ISIS attack," O'Reilly declared.

It's not an anything attack right now. No one knows anything about the person who perpetrated this horrible attack. But World War.

Which brings me to Trump. What would President Drumpf do? He'd demand that Congress declare war so he could go bomb the hell out of the as-yet unidentified person or persons who committed this heinous act in a country which is not the United States of America.

No terrorist act was perpetrated on our soil today. And right now, we do not know who did this thing. It could be the French equivalent of Timothy McVeigh. Or it could be ISIL. Or someone else. Here's the point: There isn't enough information to know one way or the other. But Drumpf is going to ask Congress for a declaration of war, which admittedly is better than Bill O'Reilly declaring it on his own, but not by much.

There's just one problem with that, Herr Drumpf. President Obama asked for that very same declaration back in December, and the Republican Congress refused to vote on it.

Surely Herr Drumpf isn't saying those hard-working Republican Congressmen and Senators would do something different for him than they would Obama? Because of course we all know that Republicans are committed to the national defense of the country they love so very much.


Beyond that, this conversation was so utterly irresponsible in so many ways that it just keeps hammering home how unfit Donald Trump is for office. Utterly, totally, completely unfit. He'd take a nuke and use it, claiming he's "keeping us safe."

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