Trump-Pence Campaign Rolls Out New Logo Intended For Maximum Penetration

Maybe they should have waited a few minutes before the reveal.

Yes, that is the new Trump-Pence logo up there at the top, which clearly was slapped together after Donald Trump finally accepted the fact that he was stuck with Mike Pence as a running-mate.

As late as midnight, Trump was on the phone furiously trying to weasel out of his leaked choice, but to no avail. Pence it is. And Trump, the man with the BEST GRAPHIC DESIGNERS on the planet, rolled out the logo you see above.

Nothing untoward about it, right? I mean, other than the fact that it's possibly one of the most phallic logos I've ever seen. Ever.

The tweets just rolled in.

And our own John Amato:

I guess any attention is better than no attention?

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