Washington Post Refuses To Consider A Trump Endorsement
I think this may be a first.
The day after Donald Trump's "Midnight in America" speech, the Washington Post has said they will not even consider Trump for their endorsement, calling him a "unique threat to American democracy."
WaPo's editorial board wrote:
DONALD J. TRUMP, until now a Republican problem, this week became a challenge the nation must confront and overcome. The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance. To the extent he has views, they are wrong in their diagnosis of America’s problems and dangerous in their proposed solutions. Mr. Trump’s politics of denigration and division could strain the bonds that have held a diverse nation together. His contempt for constitutional norms might reveal the nation’s two-century-old experiment in checks and balances to be more fragile than we knew.
Any one of these characteristics would be disqualifying; together, they make Mr. Trump a peril. We recognize that this is not the usual moment to make such a statement. In an ordinary election year, we would acknowledge the Republican nominee, move on to the Democratic convention and spend the following months, like other voters, evaluating the candidates’ performance in debates, on the stump and in position papers. This year we will follow the campaign as always, offering honest views on all the candidates. But we cannot salute the Republican nominee or pretend that we might endorse him this fall. A Trump presidency would be dangerous for the nation and the world.
Lead the way, Washington Post. I'm sure Trump will denounce them and say this is payback for him banning their reporters. It is not. This is intellectual honesty right here, and we need for our media to stop trying to normalize Trump and call him out for what and who he is.