Ana Marie Cox Gives Trump Supporter 'Death Stare' Over Reciting Phony Clinton Health Report

It's getting to the point now that CNN guests are having physical reactions to the lies being told by Trump supporters.

We've already posted a segment with Trump surrogate Betsy McCaughey, making a fool of herself while defending Donald Trump's immigration positions earlier today, but there was more to follow.

I couldn't pass up posting this clip from CNN's News Hour With Brooke Baldwin.

As Betsy McCaughey was droning on about Hillary Clinton's fake medical condition, GQ's Ana Marie Cox was glaring down at her in in disbelief of the words she was saying.

We're at the point now where CNN guests are having physical reactions to the lies being told by Trump supporters.

Host Brooke Baldwin brought up the topic of Trump's wacky doctor and Donald's health and Ana Marie Cox said she didn't believe the "health issue" was a big deal when discussing presidential candidates.

However, Betsy, who just had an intravenous of Trump talking points, launched into her Hannity Hillary health craze nonsense.

McCaughey said, "I think it is important. I think voters want to know that the people they choose to occupy the highest office in the land have the possibility, the potential to serve at least four years."

That's a fair point, but as she continued, check out Ana Marie Cox' reaction as Betsy said, "What we know about Mrs. Clinton, she suffered a head injury."

Cox sighs and looks away in disgust.

Betsy continued, "She has expressed that she short circuits things."

Cox glares down at her.

"Medical professionals have raised issues about post traumatic stress syndrome because of the head injury. And we see her occasionally needing help, for example, making it up the stairs."

Cox had enough and cut in, "Can we say that these "medical professionals,"who have said these things, have not examined her, people who are not experts in the field. This is completely unsubstantiated."

Betsy said, "I've seen photographs of her needing help going up the stairs - people grabbing her elbow."

Brooke had enough too and said, "She tripped, she tripped."

Betsy then said, "there's nothing wrong with knowing that our candidates are healthy. When I ran for lieutenant governor, i was required by the party in New York to have a full physical..."

Cox jumped in again, "She's released.."

This is truly disgusting and Cox' eyes and glares said it all. Betsy McCaughey acted as if looking at a picture is verification that Hillary suffered from some dire injury and it's nuts!

Trump and his surrogates propagate lies and innuendo to discredit their opponent instead of dealing with the facts of the campaign.

Media outlets like CNN and MSNBC, (Fox News makes their living on this behavior) need to stop surrogates from whoever side they support from passing on outright lies to their viewers or forcibly refute those claims.

This behavior is getting worse as we near the first presidential debate.

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