Bill Clinton Says Email 'Scandal' Is 'The Biggest Bunch Of Bull' Ever

Given the opportunity to respond to a question about it, former President Bill Clinton let fly.

Former President Bill Clinton took a moment to blast all of the flurry over the non-existent email scandal. At the Asian American Journalists' Association meeting in Las Vegas, Clinton was asked by someone claiming to be a supporter how they could possibly trust Hillary Clinton in the wake of this terrible email "scandal."

"First of all, the FBI director said when he testified before Congress that she had never received any emails congress he had to amend his previous day's statement that she had never received any e-mails marked classified. They saw two little notes with a word about telephone calls marked c on it," he fumed.

Clinton added, "This is the biggest load of bull that I've ever heard."

He expanded on that by saying, "Do you really believe there are 300 career diplomats because that's how many people were on these emails, all of whom were careless with national security? Do you believe that?"

And one last challenge. "Forget about Hillary, forget about her. Is that conceivable?"

Of course it's not conceivable. This is nothing more than the usual effort to find something -- anything -- to smear a Clinton with, and it's obscene.

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