Even Bill O'Reilly Tries And Fails To Reform Trump
Bill O'Reilly claims Khizr Khan is being paid by the Clinton campaign to attack Donald Trump.
On Tuesday night's The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly claimed that Khizr Khan was paid by the Clinton campaign to attack Donald Trump at the DNC Convention.
Donald Trump is still feeling the ramifications from his own party as he continues to attack the Gold Star family. A number of Congressional Republicans have publicly denounced Trump's words.
Fellow lap dog Gov. Chris Christie turned on his master and said, “I think it gives them the right to say whatever they want whether they’re right or they're wrong,.”
Bill O'Reilly and Donald Trump are birds of a feather in temperament and hot-headedness: whenever someone in the media criticizes them, they lose it.
In Donald Trump's case, his whole campaign is based on attacking his rivals, including families that have lost their child to war. And his typical defense is that "Many, many people" are saying "things" and he just echos their beliefs, as if attacking the Khan's was a widely accepted fact.
Memo to Trump: nobody thinks you're being politically astute in attacking a Gold Star mother. Even Bill O'Reilly! "It wasn't wise to bring the mother in." In another part of the interview BillO calls her a "little Muslim lady." Hoo boy. What a piece of work these two are.
In BillO's opening monologue, he blamed Trump for attacking the Khan family, not because he should respect the family's sacrifice but because he was "punching down." Huh?
Anyway, Trump continues to whine like a baby because the Khan family was mean to him and he only responded to them, O'Reilly shamed the family by calling them paid operatives for the Clinton campaign when he told the Donald, "he was obviously hired by the Clinton campaign to do that."
These two buffoons are losing the propaganda war badly because they are defending the indefensible.
Media critic Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) retweeted the transcript (via @sopandeb) of the segment that I cut.
Presented without comment. Via @SopanDeb. pic.twitter.com/KaftX8gsUO
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) August 3, 2016