CNN Commentator Nails Trump: 'His Message Is Being A Loudmouthed Dick'

Liz Mair has never wasted words.

Liz Mair is a straight-shooter. Yes, she's a Republican and she's worked as RNC online communications director in the past, but I have followed her for eight years and she has always, always been honest about what she sees.

Her appearance on Anderson Cooper's show was no exception. When asked by Cooper about Trump's messaging, Mair laid it out there straight, and told Cooper that Trump's "message is being a loudmouthed dick."

She was unapologetic afterwards, too. It's a feature, not a bug.

You may recall that she worked for Scott Walker for a few days before he cowered and caved to some whiny Iowa Republicans who didn't appreciate her honesty. He asked for her resignation, which she gladly submitted.

Come over to the dark side, Liz. You know we welcome your outspokenness here.

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