CNN Fact Checks Trump's Claim That Obama Is Founder Of ISIS: (He's Not)

CNN put their chyron to good use again today by striking down another false claim by Donald Trump.

CNN continued its quest to fact check candidates using their chyron and today they laid waste to Donald Trump's idiotic claim that President Obama is the founder of ISIS.

He repeated it on the stump by saying, "I call president Obama and Hillary Clinton the founders of ISIS, they're the founders. ISIS will hand her [Hillary] the MVP award."


CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked political reporter Sara Murray, "How are Democrats responding" to Trump's latest attacks?

Well, here's how, Wolf:

The DNC released a statement calling Trump "unhinged" and "unraveling before our very eyes."

“Donald Trump should apologize for his unhinged and patently false suggestions on the founding of ISIS. This is yet another out-of-control statement by a candidate who is unraveling before our very eyes. "

Combating terrorist threats like ISIS is a deadly serious undertaking, one that must be met with the unwavering resolve and steady temperament of a commander-in-chief that doesn’t fly off the handle at the slightest provocation."
"Donald Trump has once again shown that he lacks that temperament, and that he is simply unfit to hold our nation’s highest office,” Paustenbach added."

CNN used the chyron to fact check Trump on his flip flops over Japan and nukes.

MSNBC joined in on the chyron fact check too.

I wrote a post hoping this trend would catch on.

Dan Abrams applauds using chyrons to fact check in real time.

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