CNN's Brianna Keilar Turns Sean Spicer Into Jelly Over Trump's Minority Outreach
The RNC's Sean Spicer couldn't come up with one good reason why Trump speaks to all white audiences while doing minority outreach.
I've seen fast talkers before, even coked up ones, but nothing like the RNC's chief strategist Sean Spicer.
CNN's host Brianna Keilar reduced Spicer into sputtering out nonsense as he tried to defend Donald Trump for reaching out to the Black community at all white venues.
When Keilar said, "If you were advising a candidate who is trying to, say, reach out to women, would you go to a room of men to deliver that message?"
In reality, that's what Trump did when he made his Law and Order speech.
Spicer began sputtering and stuttering his response and ended by saying that Trump just "can't move the venue, give me a break. I think this is somewhat ridiculous."
Keilar cut in and said, "You could pick a different venue in a different part of the city."
Spicer spluttered, "Hold on! Brianna, please let me answer the question if you're going to ask it."
Sean then launched into some talking points about Trump's biography of supposedly hiring, donating and helping minorities throughout his entire career.
Spicer got defiant. "If you want to talk about where he holds events in the last ten months and whether or not he's done an appropriate job of pandering, that's one thing but the totality of a 40-year career where he's lifted people up -- I'll take that any day of the week."
Why is talking to minorities directly now considered to be pandering?
Keilar would not be deterred. "Then why doesn't he say that to an African American crowd or at least try to say that to an African-American crowd by going to an community that's not 90% plus - white. I think anyone can say that's a good argument. He should make it. Why isn't he making it to black voters?"
Spicer replied, "He just did! You talked about the pitch. He talked about how in a second term of a Trump presidency he wants to get a majority of the vote."
Keilar fired back, "In Diamondale, it's 1.3% black."
Spicer began sputtering again and his voice rose to a higher decibel level, "Hold on, Brianna, let me answer the question."
Spicer then launched a well rehearsed attack on Hillary Clinton.
In this whole exchange there was only one question asked. Spicer never did answer Keilar's question and we know why.
Donald would get booed by the black community and his team knows it. If he did show up to NAACP event, the crowd there would be very respectful of his time, but he'd never consider that either. Especially with Steve Bannon running the show.
Brianna Keilar did another fine job of not accepting empty talking points when asking valid questions.