CNN's Carol Costello: Seems Like 'Conservative Media Is Running Trump Campaign'

Did you know Sean Hannity is a new advisor to Trump?

The NY Times reported that Sean Hannity has become one of Trump's most trusted advisors.

But Mr. Hannity is not only Mr. Trump’s biggest media booster; he also veers into the role of adviser. Several people I’ve spoken with over the last couple of weeks said Mr. Hannity had for months peppered Mr. Trump, his family members and advisers with suggestions on strategy and messaging.

I can understand if a candidate asks a TV opinion talk show host for an opinion once in a while, but Hannity's show has become the Trump propaganda hour.

And with the hiring of crazy Steve Bannon from Breitbart, CNN's Carol Costello makes an astute observation when she said, "It almost seems like the conservative media is running Trump's campaign."

Many in the Beltway media are afraid to express these honest views because of trying to appear neutral, but calling it like you see it is also the job of journalists.

To begin the segment, Costello played a clip of an interview conducted by CNN's Alisyn Camerota with Gov. Mike Pence, where she displayed the vitriolic nature of Breitbart News.

She asked the governor if he's comfortable with "that kind of flame throwing or incendiary messaging?"

Pence was forced to say that Trump is bringing on a team of people that are bringing forth a message that is "resonating with people."

Yea, the David Duke demographic.

Here's the transcript from MM:

CAROL COSTELLO (HOST): Add Fox News’ Sean Hannity to the list of advisers for Mr. Donald Trump. He joins Breitbart News editor Steve Bannon as CEO of Trump’s campaign.


John, what do you make of Sean Hannity like I guess informally advising Trump's campaign along with Breitbart's editor? What should we make of that?

JOHN BRABENDER: Well, I think what it says is that Donald Trump realizes that he needs to listen to a broad group of people. And look, we know he listens to Rudy Giuliani. We know that he listens to a lot of other the presidential candidates. We know that he goes and does all these town hall meetings, basically. And so, I think it's actually admirable that he's not afraid to listen to people. And some don't even always have the same view that he has. And I think that's what you want as a president.

COSTELLO: Well, Rick, it almost seems like the conservative media is running Trump's campaign.

RICK WILSON: Well, look, Trump is the human avatar of the Breitbart comments section: stupid, vulgar, racist, anti-Semitic, vile in almost every aspect. This is a guy who now has Steve Bannon around him, a guy who's the architect of a news outlet, "news" outlet, that is incredibly racially divisive, that is incredibly intolerant. They have attacked on a consistent basis Muslims, and now Mormons. And they're acting like Der Stürmer in Germany in the 1930s more than actually a legitimate conservative media outlet. So Bannon's band of misfit toys is still going to be pumping out this kind of very vile propaganda. Steve is now the right hand of Donald Trump. And he plays to Trump's worst instincts. He plays to the most divisive, nasty aspects of Trump's personality.

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