Disgraced Ex Rep. Mark Foley Sits Behind Trump At Florida Rally

Does the Trump campaign actively seek out endorsements from sexual predators?

Talk about making ridiculous memes out of thin air, the Trump campaign made a mountain out of a molehill when the radical father of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was spotted sitting behind Hillary at one of her rallies.

Rudy Giuliani didn't waste anytime smearing the Clinton campaign when he appeared on ABC to defend Trump's 2A threat and told George Stephanopoulos all about it, "ends up being invited to sit in a prime position behind Hillary Clinton and you gotta ask yourself number one, who invited him, we still don't know? Number two, what drew him to Hillary Clinton?"

George responded that the Clinton campaign said they didn't invite him "and she's disavowed any of this.."

Rudy continued, "But why is he such an avid supporter?"

Giuliani is a great hatchet man, isn't he? Hillary must be a radical Islamic Muslim supporter since she created ISIS, and this proves it!

His words are ridiculous, right?

Well, I wonder what Rudy will say about who attends Trump rallies.

Disgraced ex-Congressman Mark Foley sat in a prime seat directly behind Donald Trump in a Florida rally on Wednesday.

If you remember, Rep. Mark Foley resigned from Congress after getting caught sending lewd messages to underage male pages. That would make him a sexual predator of children, Rudy.

What makes this even more embarrassing for Giuliani and Trump was that while Donald went on a rant about who Hillary has sitting behind her, at the same time Foley was sitting behind him .

When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign. You sort of know the campaign," Trump said at the rally in Sunshine, Florida. As Trump upbraided Clinton for having Mateen in the stands behind her, Foley smiled, applauded and even waved at Trump.

"How many of you people know me?" Trump asked those seated behind him.

Foley, visible just to Trump's left, quickly raised his hand in response.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment Wednesday night. The rows of seats directly behind Trump, where Foley was seated, had signs that marked the seats as "RESERVED."

Trump continued to slam Clinton for having Mateen's father seated behind her:

"Of course he likes Hillary because Hillary won't say the words radical Islamic terrorism," Trump said of Mateen's father, who had no knowledge of his son's plot to kill people at an Orlando night club in June.

You have to ask yourself, number one, who gave Foley, a sexual predator of the worst kind, those seats? And number two, what does that say when a sexual predator of that kind are attracted to Trump's campaign?

Why is he such an avid supporter?

Karma is a beeeeatch!

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