Eric Bolling Says 2A Rights Are Infringed Since We Can't Have Uzis

To dimwits like Eric Bolling, not being able to legally carry Uzi machine guns and every other type of automatic weapon is an infringement on his Second Amendment rights.

Tuesday afternoon on "The Five," Fox News' Eric Bolling tried to defend Donald Trump from his 2nd amendment threats towards Hillary Clinton, and got got utterly humiliated.

A few hours later he guest-hosted "The O'Reilly Factor," and pretended the earlier show had never happened.

Kirsten Powers joined Bolling, and he decided to play every conservative's favorite parlor game, "Hillary Clinton wants to take away your guns."

Yes, twice in one day Bolling made a fool of himself, this time claiming that of course Hillary did want to take away all your guns because "she supports gun control."

But then he fell into an even deeper ditch of stupidity when he said,

"They've taken away part of the Second Amendment right already by banning automatic weapons."

That's where we are now, folks.

Powers said, "He keeps saying she's going to take away your guns and get rid of the Second Amendment. There's nothing she's ever said or done to suggest that she's interested in taking people's guns."

Bolling said, "Of course she has, she's called for substantial gun regulations.."

"But having gun regulation is not the same thing as taking everybody's guns."

Here's where he thinks he's being clever, but really sounds like a moron:

"She's called for banning semiautomatic weapons- semi-automatic!"

"How is she going to get rid of the Second Amendment?"

Bolling continued, "We've already banned automatic weapons in America. She's now calling to take it one step further like banning guns like the AR-15, which is basically a glorified hunting rifle."

Hunters take AR-15's along with them all the time to hunt quail and squirrel's because they are so fierce? No Eric, they don't.

By trying to ban high-powered weapons, which can kill a large number of people in a matter of seconds, she's trying to abolish the 2nd amendment?

Bolling then tries to reinterpret Trump's words by saying, "I don't think he said she's going to take away ALL your guns."

"He does say she wants to get rid of the Second Amendment. You agree with that?"

"Maybe the full context of the Second Amendment, which allows us to have guns. By the way, they've taken away part of the Second Amendment right already by banning automatic weapons."

The Republican Party is falling apart, and the only safe space for clowns like Eric Bolling is in the well-funded tent of the NRA. Maybe that's why Trump went there, too.

Editor's note: Mr. Bolling is apparently unaware that the assault weapons ban, such as it was, expired in 2004

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