Hillary Clinton Slams Trump For 'Photo Op' Diplomacy
In her speech to the VFW today, Hillary Clinton took note of the Trump campaign's admission his Mexico trip was for a photo op.
As our media overlords squint at their television monitors waiting breathlessly for Hair Drumpf to land in Mexico City, Hillary Clinton gave a speech which they grudgingly aired before turning back to their breathless speculation about what this trip meant for the campaign.
This, despite the fact that a Trump adviser admitted earlier today that the whole reason for the trip was for a photo op, and little more. It's so he can say he went to Mexico in his speech tonight before his teleprompter speech about immigration reform.
Clinton ripped him in her speech at the VFW earlier today, reminding everyone that Trump has been ridiculous about Mexico and his "wall."
"You don't build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon," Clinton said. "It certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours, and then flying home again, That is not how [diplomacy] works."
"It is more than a photo-op," said the only candidate in the race who actually understands diplomacy.