Michele Bachmann: God Raised Up Donald Trump To Be Nominee

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann tried to convince CBN that the Lord Thy God chose Donald Trump!

The Lord, (not Jeffrey Lord, but the one in the Bible) has allegedly spoken to Michele Bachmann and she shared the good news with CBN's David Brody.

Bachmann, who is one of Trump's closest "evangelical advisors" (not making that up) said, "I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election."

She continued. "I don't think God sits things out. He's a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee."

The former Minnesota Rep. is also advising Donald Trump's campaign on foreign policy. No, really.

I do remember a time when Christian conservatives praised Jesus, that George Bush was God's candidate too.

She continued, "I think it's very likely that in the day that we live in, that Donald Trump is the only individual who could win in a General Election of the 17 who ran. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know but I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God, which is one of God's names, is the one who lifts up who he will and takes down who he will."

There you have it From the Lord Thy God to Michele Bachmann ears and then her lips!

Hey, if Hillary wins does that mean God chose her, Michele?

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