Rudy Giuliani Admits How Insane Trump Supporters Are While Trying To Defend Him

Rudy very clearly states that Trump voters are in blood lust mode and want HRC's head.

As you know, I'm no fan of the former Mayor of NYC, Rudy Giuliani. He's become one of Donald Trump's biggest supporters and most vocal apologists. Wednesday morning he joined ABC's Good Morning America to do what he always does -- sell Trump and fear.

Except of course if he reads what he actually said to George Stephanopoulos, he might want to sit in the corner for a while because he said some truly bizarre things in defense of his idol.

After hearing and seeing Donald Trump's 2Nd amendment threat towards Hillary Clinton, any sane person would respond like almost the entire media landscape has, with horror.

But Giuliani went on ABC Wednesday morning to repeat the company line and the campaign's talking points which say, Donald was only talking about mobilizing all the second amendment or the NRA voters to come out and beat Hillary.

After George played the comments, Rudy said, "We know Donald Trump is not particularly indirect."

Laughingly, he continued, "If Donald Trump was going to say something like that, he'd say something like that."

No, Rudy. That's not so since his statement at the rally proves otherwise. As a former prosecutor you should understand about a thing called "evidence."

Rudy went on about being at the event and how shocked they were that Trump's threat was interpreted as a threat.

Every time Trump gets called out for some of his bizarre behavior, it's always "the Clinton machine that's behind it."

And then he thought he hit his stride.

George said, "In real time you had people like the former CIA director, General Michael Hayden raising the exact same questions."

Giuliani jumped right in, "It wasn't in real time, it was after the Clinton spin machine spun it out. They spun it out in about eight minutes."

He actually had the balls to say that the former CIA director, General Michael Hayden is so incompetent that he was also duped by the Clinton propaganda machine when he said Trump should have been arrested. This is nuts and I'm no fan of Michael Hayden, but I do know he's not going to be "spun" by some political talking points.

And then he hit the mother-lode of incompetence.

Rudy continued, “What he intended was, that they should vote against her, With a crowd like that, if that's what they thought he'd meant, they'd have gone wild."


Rudy just admitted that Trump supporters would have been cheering in delight if Trump had said more succinctly that he hoped NRA voters would gun down Hillary.

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