Sovereign Citizen Arrested For Stalking Police With 'Arsenal' Of Weapons

Eric Eugene Crowl apparently traveled from Kansas City to Portland to target police.

Sovereign Citizen Arrested For Stalking Police With 'Arsenal' Of Weapons

Eric Eugene Crowl was arrested by Multomah County police after allegedly stalking them for months and watching their movements.

According to a report in the Kansas City Star, he had been tailing police officers for months and using a police scanner to track them.

In Portland, police said they started noticing Crowl parking outside the East Precinct in April in a gray Chevy Tahoe, filming officers and watching as they came and went during shift changes. In one traffic stop, he had a police scanner in the vehicle.

According to the news release, an East Precinct sergeant noticed about 2:50 p.m. Sunday that Crowl was parked across the street again. The sergeant made a request over the police radio for officers to contact Crowl. When that transmission went out, Crowl drove away.

He was stopped for a traffic violation shortly after that, police said. Officers saw no weapons in the vehicle at that time.

Crowl returned to the East Precinct around 9:30 p.m. Sunday, police said, and again appeared to be surveilling the building at shift change. Officers became wary of his actions because of heightened concerns about recent attacks on police in other cities, the news release said.

They approached Crowl, and when they ordered him to keep his hands up said he appeared to be reaching around in his vehicle.

Officers this time found weapons on Crowl when he got out of the vehicle, the news release said.

“Officers looked through the rear window of the Tahoe and could observe an arsenal of weapons and ammunition,” it said.

Police seized numerous items from the vehicle, including a 5.56 rifle, 12-gauge shotgun, two 9 mm handguns, 100 rounds of 5.56 and 9 mm rounds of ammunition, 5.56 tracer rounds, handheld radios, a police scanner, camouflage clothing and camping gear.

Since the Malheur Refuge standoff, Oregon has been a flashpoint for the "patriot movement" and sovereign citizens. It's fortunate those police officers were aware and noticed they were being watched, or we could have had another tragedy on our hands.

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