Trump Tells Hannity The November Election's 'Going To Be Rigged'

Trump's incomprehensible theory behind how the election's going to be rigged'

Donald Trump was interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News, August, 1st and he once again gave a hackneyed explanation on how the upcoming general election in November is going to be rigged against him.

Hannity asked, "You're afraid this election is going to be rigged, explain?"

Trump replied, "I've been hearing about it for a long time and last time there were precincts that practically nobody voting for the Republican and I think that's wrong and it that's unfair frankly for Mitt Romney..."

OK, WTF is he talking about? Where has he been hearing that the 2012 election was rigged against Mittens?

He continued, "You had areas where a lot of people were curious "How was that possible?" And I've been hearing about it for a long time..."

From, who? Roger Stone? Alex Jones?

.."I think we're going to win this election, but if it's rigged like anything else."

Sure, Donald. If an election is rigged, you'll lose.

And then in his megalomaniacal way, Trump contended that the Republican primaries were also rigged against him.

"Look, I thought it was rigged, a little bit for me and we won in landslides..."

If it was rigged then how did Donald win? Oh, I see. he's so omnipotent that even when it's rigged against him he still overcomes.

Then he made a fool of himself again by not understanding that super delegates have been part of the Democratic Party's process since the early eighties.

"I think it was rigged against Bernie Sanders with this super delegates nonsense"

Hannity got excited and jumped in, "Well we know it was rigged, we have the emails."

No, you fool. The emails didn't show anything of the sort.

Trump continued, "I'm telling you, November 8th, we better be careful because that election's going to be rigged and I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's going to be taken away from us."

Donald Trump offers up no proof or the mechanics behind how the election will be rigged, just that he's been hearing about it for a long time. That's his MO.

It's gibberish and balderdash.

As Josh Marshall correctly surmises in his piece Feel The State Tremble:

Over the last 48 hours Trump's allies, surrogates and now Trump himself have forcibly injected the topic of voter fraud or 'election rigging' into the election.


Whether Trump is starting to lay the groundwork for contesting the election on claims of widespread voter impersonation fraud or some kind of broader effort for election officials to falsify results, we're entering a dangerous new phase of the 2016 election campaign.

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