Trump's New Ad: Social Security Lies, White Nationalist Sources

Trump's ad not only lies about immigrants and Social Security, but it cites a white nationalist holocaust denier as a credited source of information.

Donald Trump hasn't spent much money on political ads so far, but when he does he makes sure they have as many lies as possible.

Case in point:

Here's his new political ad called: "Two Americas: Immigration"

In Hillary Clinton’s America, the system stays rigged against Americans Illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay, collecting Social Security benefits, skipping the line.

Syrian refugees flood in. Illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay. Collecting Social Security benefits, skipping the line. Our border open. It's more of the same, but worse."

Trump's America is secure. Terrorists and dangerous criminals: kept out. The border: secured. Our families: safe. Change that makes America safe again.

Micheal Hiltzik of the LA Times writes a great piece that debunks the Social Security lies embedded in this ad:

Bluntly speaking, these statements about Social Security are untrue. Here are the facts:

1. Unauthorized workers are not permitted to collect Social Security benefits.

2. No one can collect Social Security benefits he or she didn’t earn from working in Social Security-covered employment.

3. There’s no mechanism for anyone to “skip the line,” whatever that means.All Social Security benefits are based on one’s work history. To be vested in the program requires 40 quarters, or 10 years, of covered employment. In 2016, in practice, that means earning at least $1,260 in a quarter for that three-month period to count. No one who works has any more or less right to Social Security than anyone else, so the idea that anyone is “skipping the line” is just false.

Please read Hiltzik's entire piece, it's well worth the click.

Social Security is one of our most precious social safety nets, but it's not handed to us by the government. It's a plan that we pay into and then collect on when we turn a certain age.

It's really simple and Hiltzik explains it all nicely.

Being a member of Blue America PAC, we've purchased many political ads for our candidates and against others and we've always been held to a very high standard of truth when we submit them.

I know networks want that huge campaign money, but as Rachel Maddow discusses, Trump's ad passes off a White Nationalist nut job as a credited source of information.

The Center for Immigration Studies, for example, will distribute essays from Holocaust deniers every now and again. Oops.

They keep finding themselves digesting and sending around work by white nationalists. I mean, you get back to that dark side. You slip back into that really fast when you're circulating arguments like, "the native ethnic stock that founded and built the U.S. is systematically being replaced through massive third world immigration." "Native ethnic stock." For the first national Donald Trump ad of the presidential election to be overtly citing the Center for Immigration Studies, the John Tanton group, that's nuclear.

This is despicable.

But this is the Republican nominee for President.

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