Donald Trump Smears Charlotte Protesters As Drug Addicts

Donald Trump used a typical racist stereotype to describe the Charlotte protesters.

As much as the Trump campaign has tried to fool the media into thinking they are reaching out to black community, Trump couldn't mask his racism while discussing the protests in Charlotte, North Carolina.

While discussing the civil unrest in Charlotte, Trump described African Americans protesting to a Pittsburgh audience this way, "If you're not aware, drugs are a very, very big factor in what you're watching on television."

Say, what?

How does he know this? He can't. It's a knee jerk racist statement made by an idiot, who doesn't even believe what he just said is racist.

Trump ad-libbed a typical stereotype of African Americans. This tells you all you need to know about his true feeling for the African American community.

As he continued his speech, he praised the police and called on people [blacks] to support them as he usually does.

African Americans are fed up with the senseless killing of unarmed black men and protesting this is the epitome of what it means to be an American.

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