Eric Trump Blames 'Leftist Media' For Hispanic Leaders Fleeing Trump Campaign

Eric Trump believes his Hispanic supporters were too dumb to make up their own minds and resigned because of the liberal media.

Trump advisor and immigration lawyer Jacob Monty and Alfonso Aguilar, the president of Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, withdrew their support for Donald Trump after hearing Trump's White nationalistic and hateful immigration speech.

Eric Trump joined the curvy couch of Fox and Friends to discuss his father's campaign and was asked to explain why prominent conservative Hispanic leaders from Trump's team resigned in a huff over his hateful immigration speech in Arizona.

Kilmeade said, "...two things happened after the last twenty-four hours, Jacob Monty and Alfonso Aguilar, two guys that are members of your Hispanic Council have said, 'I don't like the speech, I'm resigning.' What's the story there?"

Eric replied, "This is pretty amazing considering the speech was actually very consistent and has been very, very consistent with his plan and it was really interesting..."

That's how he sees it?

He continued, "I think it took tremendous leadership to go down to Mexico and meet with the president, but when you saw the meeting, the president of Mexico even said it was a two-way-street. I was really proud of my father and I think they left it in a very good way... and then the leftist media obviously spins it, etc, etc., but it was clear from both leaders that a border is necessary for the protection of their own country."

Kilmeade asked, "Will there be an effort to clarify with these two guys who were advising your dad on Hispanic issues?"

He replied, "I think so.."

Aguilar and Monty didn't leave the Trump team because they watched Rachel Maddow or read a NY Times article after Donald's horrific speech, it was because they listened to what he said.

Drugs, guns and borders wasn't what angered them, but his father's refusal to be more humane.

It's about the David Duke style ideas that have colored Trump's immigration plans.

Or maybe Trump just wants to start a nativist media empire as Jacob Monty explained.

"Maybe this is part of a media play where he wants to create a media empire which will focus on the millions of nativists that believe the country needs to control immigration. If that's his play it will be good and he'll have millions of followers but he won't win the presidency."

Or maybe it was because Trump lied about what his immigration speech would contain. Aguilar:

"He said he was going to treat undocumented immigrants without criminal records in a humane and compassionate way, he said he was going to soften his position. And then we heard yesterday and I was totally disappointed, not surprised, but disappointed and likely misled. Because he gave the impression, the campaign gave the impression until yesterday morning that he was going to deal with the undocumented in a compassionate way. And in that speech, he's basically saying, we deport you or we self-deport you. It's even worse than what he initially proposed."

Blaming the "leftist media" for your father's betrayal to them is pretty ridiculous. Are your Hispanic staffers and surrogates so easily influenced by the media that they can't think for themselves?

Are they too lazy?

Did they miss the speech because they were waiting for the Taco truck?

It was your father's bigoted policies, not the leftist media, that drove them away, Eric.

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