Fox News Talker: Trump's Nomination Owed 'To That Birther Thing'
Chris Stirewalt believes supporting that "birther thing" really made Donald Trump a celebrity in conservative politics.
On Fox News' The Kelly File Wednesday evening, Fox News' political editor Chris Stirewalt told Megyn Kelly that Trump owes his presidential nomination in part for his support of the birther movement.
Kelly was discussing the hacked emails of Colin Powell, who called Trump "a national disgrace" in them.
Kelly said, "But on Trump, his Birther movement was racist. He's a national disgrace. He's an international pariah. Colin Powell is a Republican. He says the Republican Party left him a long time ago. But he is more Republican than he's Democrat. Why is that not harmful to Trump?"
Stirewalt concluded that the "birther thing" is harmful now to Donald Trump, but not when he became King of the Birthers.
Stirewalt said, "It is. The birther thing continues to be harmful for Trump. Never forget that Trump's position as Republican nominee is owed in part, and probably some large part, to the notoriety that he gained by claiming that the president, or saying he believed that the president probably was not born in the United States and was lying about his nativity. That is something that helped Donald Trump get on the front page and stay there and it will continue to hurt him with a considerable portion."
If anything Stirewalt's words inform us on how crazed the Republican electorate is and why they chose Trump as their nominee.
It also shows the dangerous influence that conservative media has on their followers. For that many people to believe a lie in one party is staggering.
Two-thirds of voters with a favorable opinion of Donald Trump believe President Barack Obama is a Muslim, and a quarter of them believe that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered, a poll released Tuesday shows.
And by the way, the conspiracy theory that Scalia was murdered is a favorite topic of Alex Jones.
Far right hate talk show host Michael Savage even claimed that President Obama hired a 2K a day hooker to assassinate him.