Gen. John Allen: U.S. Generals Have Not Been Reduced To Rubble'
Retired Gen. John Allen refuted Donald Trump's insulting claims that our U.S. Generals have been reduced to rubble because of the leadership of President Obama.
On ABC's "This Week," retired Gen. John Allen pushed back against Donald Trump's unfounded claim that our military leaders have been "reduced to rubble" and said he "shook his head" in disbelief.
On Wednesday's MSNBC "Commander In Chief forum," Donald Trump said, "I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They've been reduced to a point where it's embarrassing for our country."
Retired Marine Gen. John Allen, a former U.S. envoy to the coalition fighting ISIS, joined ABC's This Week and host George Stephanopoulos posed this question to him, "What did you think when you heard those comments?"
Gen. Allen responded, "Once again, I couldn't -- I just shake my head. I don't feel much like rubble."
He continued, "They are some of the finest leaders that America has ever put under stars, whether they're admirals or generals, and they're spectacular leaders. And they've not been reduced to rubble. In fact, they're some of the finest both leaders and national security specialists and authorities that this country has minted in a generation. I was proud to serve with them. and I'm proud to have them in their leadership positions in the world today. They haven't been reduced to rubble, George."
The general was not pleased with Trump's cartoonish characterization of our military and the generals that command them.
There hasn't been a presidential candidate as insulting to everyone he comes in contact with as Donald Trump.
And he really doesn't have to be that way, even if he continues to run a fever swamp of a campaign.