MSNBC's Hugh Hewitt Says 'Skittles' Uproar Is 'Absurd' And Will 'Help Donald Trump'
And this guy gets paid to say things like this!
MSNBC's Katy Tur had a comical look in her eye when conservative talker Hugh Hewitt tried to turn the horrible story of Donald Trump Jr., tweeting out a racist White nationalist "Skittles" meme into a plus for his father's campaign and said, "I don't believe that this does anything but help Donald Trump."
He actually said that.
I've often scratched my head in bewilderment over MSNBC hiring Hewitt as an honest broker of conservative opinion. He's the worst sort of political apologist we have. One that fakes being sincere when in reality he's a fraud. Not quite as odious as Jeffrey Lord, but close.
MSNBC's Tur explained that this tweet is breaking out of the political bubble we inhabit and into the homes of mainstream Americans.
She said, "...this has broken through just beyond the discussion inside the beltway. The idea that his analogy was made that a lot of folks find frankly very insensitive."
Hewitt tried to propagate the idea that what Trump Jr., did was nothing more than use an everyday metaphor to discuss an issue and said, "He was talking about degree of difficulty of detection. That was the metaphor, not refugees."
Hugh even tried to play the false equivalence game Wrigley's.
Tur fought back and said this about Wrigley's, "That's not an offensive metaphor. That's not a metaphor talking about people that a lot of folks find dehumanizing."
Hewitt responded, "He wasn't talking about people, he was talking about degree of difficulty of detection."
WTF, does that mean? Of course Junior was talking about people. This entire discussion is about people, you imbecile.
Here's the tweet under review.
Hewitt continued, "...that was the metaphor. He wasn't talking about refugees."
Yes he was. It says Syrian refugees in the body of the tweet! "That's our Syrian refuge problem." Could it be any clearer, Hugh?
He then played one of conservatism's most trusted weapons; The PC card. They believe this is their "get out of jail card" for every offensive thing they say.
Since Wrigley's panned Donald Jr.'s use of their product for political purposes, Hugh blabbed on, " I believe, in fact, this politically correct response by the Wrigley company will play into the disgust in America with politically correct tut-tutting."
Most Trump supporters always try to blur the lines of reality and make ridiculous comparisons between events that have no relevance to the subject being discussed. And only Fox News viewers and consumers of AM talk radio are on board with the PC crowd.
Hewitt then tried to equate the protests by athletes to police violence against minorities as his defense for Neo Nazi jargon.
He continued, "People will put up with protests during the national anthem. You can't use a metaphor to discuss the degree of difficulty in detection. That's what the metaphors are for. Metaphors are used every day - and If we have the thought police from the Wrigley Company telling us which ones we can use and which we can't....We will not have any kind of effective speech in the country."
Just because Wrigley's wasn't happy with the Trump's for using their product in a racist way has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Hewitt then summed it all up in one grand gesture, "I do not believe that this does anything but help Donald Trump as people become disgusted with the thought police."
There you go. No matter how awful and disgusting the Trump campaign are, there is no down side.
As Digby noted also, Hewitt also said that the shocking news that Donald spent the Trump Foundation's money for his personal welfare was no big deal either because - both sides.
I'm talking about Hugh Hewitt, of course, who is now an unreconstructed Trump supporter and yet is still treated as if he's some sort of sane moderate Republican. Here he is on MSNBC this morning talking about the bombshell Trump Foundation story that shows he spent a quarter of a million dollars of the charity's money for his own personal legal expenses:
There might be someone out there on the margin who moves now on a foundation story. If so there are just as many who will move because of Gilbert Chagoury and the Clinton Foundation and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Foreign Agents Registration act. I'm not sure the Clintons want to be stressing foundation stories.
If you haven't heart about the Chagoury story, if you google you will find page after page of febrile wingnuttery before you get to one where you find out that he is a foundation donor who asked to be put in touch with someone in the State department and they didn't do it. The press has been eagerly publishing whatever juicy "smell test" tid-bits Judicial Watch spoon feeds them and this is one of the stories that's "out there." It's nonsense.
There you go. Nonsense over a real crime.