Katrina Pierson Claims That 'Immigration' Is Not 'Top Priority' For Voters
Katrina Pierson told CNN's Alisyn Camerota that immigration reform isn't a "top priority" for Americans after she was questioned about Trump's flip flopping his hard line position to allow undocumented workers a path to citizenship.
As Donald Trump's immigration policies continue to flip-flop and morph in the dog days of the presidential election, Trump's National Spokesperson Katrina Pierson told CNN's News Day that immigration reform is not a top priority to Americans this election cycle.
That's funny, considering her words are in direct conflict with Trump's signature campaign issue.
And to follow that up, she also stated there could be as many as "30 million illegal aliens" in the country and Trump couldn't possibly deport them all.
What Mr. Trump says is that when it comes down to the end of his ten-point plan he'll make a further decision," Pierson said.
"But first he wants to make a commitment to Americans to fulfill everything that previously administrations failed to do, which is to secure the border and control the flow of immigration."
CNN host Alisyn Camerota interrupted Pierson, saying: "This is different...This is a big deal, the idea that he might be open to legal status."
"It's actually not," Pierson responded. "Immigration is not showing to be a top priority for Americans in this election cycle."
Camerota shot back, saying the GOP nominee has made it a "big deal" of his campaign and "now it sounds as if he is open to amnesty."
CNN's Alisyn Camerota played two clips of Trump's ever changing immigration policy, Trump said, "For those here illegally today who seeking legal status, they will have one route and one route only, to return home and apply for re-entry like everybody else."
And then he said, "I'm not ruling out anything. No, no, no we'll make that decision into the future. good question. I'm glad you asked it."
Camerota wanted Pierson to clear up the confusion and she asked, "He's open to the amnesty. Explain that."
Pierson went through some talking points and Camerota asked again, "If you're in this country illegally, will he make them leave?"
Katrina talked over her and went on to proclaim that they now suddenly believe there is as many as 30 million undocumented workers here.
She continued, "We have to consider, Alisyn, after that, we are continuously hearing there's not 11 million people there could be 20, 30 million people."
Say what? She went from eleven million to thirty million? Politifact already rated that claim as "Pants On Fire", but that hasn't stopped Donald Trump from citing it as well.
Who is continuously claiming there are thirty million now?
She said, "Mr. Trump can't promise to deport every single illegal alien in the country if there's 30 million. There's not enough time."
Well, Trump has promised to deport every single "illegal alien" in this country, Katrina. And the number didn't matter before.
Camerota said, "he's realized that his initial promises of every single one must leave. Yes, there will be a deportation force. He's realized, you're saying that it's impractical and undoable."
"Well, if there's 30 million he can't do them all in one presidential term."
"If there's 11 million, can he?"
Pierson never answered the question.
Her claim that one out of every ten people in the entire United States was not born here and is in the country without documentation is just plain silly. She and her boss are clearly assuming that the blind voters supporting the Trump campaign can't do math and don't care.