Louis Gohmert Slams Hillary Clinton As 'Mentally Impaired'

Louis Gohmert decided to take a few shots at Hillary Clinton during the Values Voters Summit where he was speaking to "Christians."

At this morning's session of the Ralph Reed sponsored Values Voter Summit, Rep. Louis Gohmert decided to take a few minutes to ape his candidate Donald Trump and mock people who do not have mental and physical impairments.

His target was, of course, Hillary Clinton.

Assuming his most pious posture, Gohmert admonished his audience, saying "You don’t make fun of people who are impaired, have special needs."

For half a second, I thought he was going to rebuke his candidate for making fun of a disabled reporter, but no.

He continued, "And whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired and this is not somebody you should be making fun of."

"I get the impression that in law school and along the way, she’s been very, very smart. Maybe it was the concussion, the fall back when she did, or maybe — who knows. They won’t tell us what really is going on with her."

If Goober Gohmert were a rational human being, I'd suggest he redirect his attention to last year's 11-hour Benghazi-a-thon, where she more than proved herself.

And really, they all know this. That's why they're resorting to nasty, underhanded high school gossip techniques to try and smear her. They have a candidate who claims to have let himself be duped into denouncing the United States on Russian State television, while the Democrats are fielding a smart, savvy, and well-informed retail politician. There's nowhere for them to go but down.

Calling for the audience to pray for Clinton, he said, “There is special needs there, there is mental impairment. I mean, seriously, she can’t remember.”

That level of concern-trolling BS just needs to be met with an immediate lightning bolt. It's offensive and cynical, proving that it's unlikely there are really any sincere Christians to be found anywhere in that assembly.

Shame on the lot of them.

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