Megyn Kelly Destroys Kellyanne Conway's Defense Of Trump's Misogyny

Kellyanne Conway should have thrown in the towel when she debated Megyn Kelly over her boss' history of misogyny.

TBS's Samantha Bee congratulated Fox News' Megyn Kelly when she pwned Sean Hannity as "not being a journalist" after the Presidential debate.

Sam Bee's gonna love Kelly beating Kellyanne Conway like a rented mule last night, as the Trump campaign manager tried to downplay Trump's history of misogyny.

Kellyanne Conway joined The Kelly File, and Conway immediately complained that the media isn't giving Trump any credit for "how gracious [he was] at the beginning and at the end of the debate."

Clearly being Trump's major spokesperson is getting to Conway if she's calling for kudos to her boss just for acting like a human being for a few minutes.

And then Conway began whining about mean Hillary's negative ads against her boss and said, "It's not nice that you're running hundreds of millions of dollars of in negative ads.."

Megyn checked that idiocy: "Kellyanne,.....come on. It’s not nice? They are running for president! Of course she's going to hit him with negative ads."

Conway countered, "The ads should be true."

Kelly said, "The ads that she's running about him, when it comes to his comments about women, use his words, Kellyanne. His words.”

Kellyanne whined that HRC wasn't spending money talking about "her vision."

Kelly shot back, "Because there are two facets of a campaign!” You know that better than anybody. You hit your opponent and try and disqualify him or her and then you sell your own vision. I mean, she’s allowed to hit him with negative ads and he should be hitting her right back, should he not?”

Conway then changed the subject. She should have faked an emergency phone call and left right after that exchange.

Megyn tried to give her some room to breathe, but when Conway's insipid remarks about Trump only making "a few comments about women over the years," Kelly couldn't hold back.

Kelly then took aim and said, "You raised the question about, he made a couple of comments about women over 25 years. You know that’s not true."

She continued, "You know he has repeatedly made comments about women. About their looks. About their size, their weight. Even in this campaign, about Carly Fiorina’s face, retweeting a negative picture about Heidi Cruz’s face, criticizing Hillary Clinton and her ‘look.’ And, Kellyanne, this is an issue for him, is it not?”

Kelly was smart not to bring her run-ins with Donald. Everyone remembers his disgusting references to her "bleeding" during the primaries. She didn't need to either become part of the story, or more importantly demean herself, by bringing that up.

Kellyanne refused to answer and used the Trump campaign's typical move of deflecting and switching back onto a list of Hillary Clinton talking points.

Megyn replied, "...the only reason I've asked you that question is because you're suggesting it was out of line somehow for that issue to come up."

Conway continued whining about the negative ads Hillary was running and Megyn responded, "because she's killing him with women and she sees an advantage there."

She continued blasting her and Trump by bring up his idiotic attacks of Alicia Machado's weight on Fox and Friends.

Conway made believe she was confused and said, "now we're conflation different things."

The interview wasn't a shout feast, but it was just as effective as one because Kellyanne Conway's whole shtick got dismantled without Megyn Kelly losing her breath once.

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