BREAKING: Pence Admits Obama Born In The U.S.

When will Donald Trump apologize to President Obama for his birtherism?

I'm creating a new acronym: STJWT - which means "sometimes the jokes write themselves."

Earlier today in San Diego, Gov Mike Pence was asked by the press if he believed that President Obama was actually born in the U.S.

Pence responded by saying, "

Well I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, I accept his birthplace."

Hold your hats, folks, because Mike Pence just admitted that Barack Obama was born in in Hawaii, which means he was born in in the U.S.

When asked if the Republican presidential nominee should apologize to Obama, he refused to directly answer the question and said,

"I think Donald Trump’s record both as a business man and as a political leader and as a patron in supporting minority efforts and particularly supporting the advancement of the African American community really speaks for itself.”

So, no?

CNN ran a segment today on this ground breaking story and as John Whitehouse said on Twitter: "Imagine if you were told 8 years ago this would be the lead story in the presidential election"

Ben Carson had told CNN's Jake Tapper that Trump should apologize for Trump's birther nonsense and Bill O'Reilly asked Donald about it last night.

BILL OREILLY: Do you think your birther position has hurt you among African Americans?

DONALD TRUMP: I don't know. I have no idea. I don't even talk about it anymore Bill because I don’t bother talking about it.

O’REILLY: Yea I know, but it’s there, it’s on the record.

TRUMP: I guess with maybe some, I don't know, I really don't know why, you're the first one who brought that up in a while. I don't think so. Look, I went to Detroit was like a love-fest. It had just a great time.

How embarrassing for the United States of America for this to be a breaking story in the main stream media.

Donald Trump mainstreamed ideas spewed out by a nut bag like Orly Taitz, who was the Queen of the Birthers originally.

Donald Trump has mainstreamed every conspiracy theory and right wing a-hole he could find from Roger Stone to Alex Jones and it is sickening.

Maybe Orly should be hired as a senior campaign advisor?

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