New Clinton Medical Report Trolls Trump On Mental Health Issues

The latest letter from Clinton's doctor presents some very real challenges to the Trump campaign.

Hillary Clinton's doctor, Lisa Bardack, M.D., released a comprehensive new letter about her medical condition, her pneumonia, and even an ear infection she had last January.

But the best paragraph in the letter is where she writes, "The remainder of her physical exam was normal and she is in excellent mental condition."

That is a clear troll to Clinton's opponent, whose mental health has been the subject of great speculation. While it's non-specific, it clearly refutes the right-wing lie machine which claims Clinton is on the verge of some physical and/or mental collapse.

Tomorrow will be a day of much fanfare, as Donald Trump stages a reality show-style event with reality show quack Dr. Mehmet Oz, where he indulges himself in more quackery, courtesy of the other quack, Dr. Bornstein.

Instead of actually getting a report that matters, we'll be treated to a lot of voodoo and woo about how Trump is exceptionally virile, as evidenced by his release of his testosterone levels:

What are the odds any letter released by the infamous Dr. Bornstein will talk about his mental health? And why would a gastroenterologist even comment on it, anyway?

Nice troll, Dr. Bardack. Well played. Her full letter is below.

HRC Physician Letter by Neetzan on Scribd

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