Newt Gingrich Breaks Out Coughing While Discussing Hillary's Coughing Attack

And the comedy writes itself!

I'm amazed how many times I've said, "you can't make this up," while covering politics on a daily basis.

Trump supporter Newt Gingrich joined Trump's chief propagandist Sean Hannity on his radio program, and while the two were discussing their fantasies about Hillary Clinton's non-existent health problems and her recent coughing outburst, Gingrich broke out into his own coughing fit.

The Daily Beast's Andrew Kirell wrote, "This coughing stuff, I hope [Hillary’s] alright," Newt Gingrich said. “It’s a little disturbing.” Moments later, he had a coughing fit of his own.

And that's how it went for Hannity and Newt.

Hannity has been one of the most ardent Trump supporters, cooking up phony Clinton health problems for a while now, and his "Is Hillary on the brink of DEATH?" script has morphed into a bad vaudevillian act.

I thought it reached the pinnacle of absurdity with Rudy Giuliani's insane Fox News Sunday News appearance, where he told sub host Shannon Bream to go search 'Hillary Clinton illness' on the Internet 'and take a look at the videos for yourself.'

But after listening to this segment, it's obvious we have further to go to reach peak stupid when it comes to Hannity's Hillary Death Watch 2016.

In a longer audio clip, Newt concern trolled Hillary's health and even brought up Bill [Clinton's] acid reflux problems that caused his own coughing attacks.

Full disclosure: I myself suffer from acid reflux and it causes me to cough so violently that I get very dizzy. I take Prilosec OTC now, which helps a lot, but it's not perfect.

Anyway, Hannity jumped in again promoting his pet health story and said, "It lasted for four minutes and 20 seconds this weekend. I think we need to know if she’s healthy.”

Sean continued to suggest she was suffering from some major illness. "I think we need to know if she's healthy, she doesn't seem to have a lot of energy."

Then Newt started coughing.

“Now you sound like Hillary!” Hannity said. “Can I get you a drink of water? By the way, yours didn’t last 4 minutes and 20 seconds―thank God!” “No, I’m in good shape,” Gingrich said. “At least I’m in better shape than Hillary.”

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