Rudy Giuliani Comes Unglued Under Chris Matthews' Withering Questions
Pressed on Trump's birtherism, Rudy caved and admitted the truth.
Chris Matthews woke up yesterday morning and decided he wanted some red meat truth-telling on his show this morning, so he invited Rudy Giuliani on to have a few go-rounds about Trump's birtherism.
I did not clip the entire segment, because it was simply too annoying for everyone (including me), but the end was actually kind of interesting. Matthews was a dog with a bone, determined to gnaw at Rudy over and over until he caved on Trump's birtherism.
"Mr. Mayor. is the President of the United States legitimate or not?," Matthews demanded. "Do you believe it? If you believe it, why doesn't your candidate state it?"
Finally conquered, Giuliani muttered, "I believe it. He believes it. We all believe it."
Matthews pounced. "He does? Are you speaking for him now? Are you speaking for Donald Trump tonight, on live television? Are you saying for him, I'm saying he's about to buckle and say finally, that Barack Obama is a legitimate President of the United States?"
Giuliani sputtered and spit nonsense about how Trump "got him to finally produce the birth certificate," before Chris Matthews had enough of that and shut it straight down, returning to the question of Trump's birtherism.
"Can you commit to your candidate saying within the next 24 hours that President Obama's a legitimate president? Can you commit for him that he will say that?," he pressed.
"He has said it already. and the fact is --"
"No, he hasn't," Matthews interrupted. "You are wrong on the facts here, Mr. Mayor."
After Giuliani once again tried to get back to claiming it was Hillary Clinton who started the rumor, and another back-and-forth with ridiculous claims on Giuliani's part, Chris had finally had enough.
"Let me tell you, there's no record at all of that. We checked this before you came on because one of our senior producers thought you might say this, There is absolutely no record ever of Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign ever saying that President Obama is not legitimate."
"We are ending this now because we are spending a lot of time on it but I think it is important. you say this president is the legitimately elected President of the United States and you say your candidate agrees with you," he hammered.
Concluding the interview, Matthews went on. "We are trying to pick the next president, not review the birth of the current president. Thank you, Mayor Rudy Giuliani."
This is where Rudy lost it entirely, and said something he's going to wish he hadn't said.
"Let's talk about the next president being someone who would be prosecuted if she wasn't a Clinton.," Rudy ranted.
Oh? So in one interview, Rudy admits the President was born in the United States AND that his candidate is going to be a big loser, while Chris Matthews once again confirmed Rudy and his pals are a bunch of liars.
Chris Matthew decided to quit worrying about emails and start battering these Trump surrogates on their constant litany of lies, which is what every single journalist should be doing every single day from now until Election Day.