Sheriff Joe Arpaio: 'I'm Still Investigating President Obama's Birth Certificate'

Crazy Sheriff Joe believes Obama's birth certificate was forged!

Back in late July, I was surprised when Sheriff Joe Arpaio told C-SPAN that President Obama doesn't like "my investigation" which "has something to do with a birth certificate."

And then Donald Trump told America that he finished the Birther movement and proclaimed that President Obama was a U.S. citizen.

That hasn't stopped Arizona's most odious jailer of Hispanics, Sheriff Joe Arapio from still investigating Obama's "forged document."

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday vowed to the Surprise Tea Party Patriots, the group that five years ago petitioned him to investigate President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, that he was continuing the inquiry.
“I’m not going to give up, and we’re looking into it,” he said. “I don’t know how it’s going to turn out.”

For Arpaio, last week’s statement by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Obama was born in this country had no weight on his volunteer posse's work. Perhaps it has something to do with Arpaio's dismal poll numbers? Ya think?

“I don’t care where he’s from,” Arpaio told the crowd of about 200. “We are looking at a forged document. Period.”

Poor Mike Zullo, the guy Arpaio has tasked with finding that "real" birth certificate. Trump has "ended" birtherism? Aw, that won't deter him from his God-given mission.

Mike Zullo, the lead investigator on the case and commander of Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, told the crowd that he knew Trump’s statement was a “punch in the gut, because it was unexpected.”

Zullo said he thought Trump’s statement was “strategic.”“It’s not going to deter us,” Zullo said.

“It’s not going to stop us. I am closer than ever.”

Yep, "Prominent Trump supporter" and "insane nutjob" are synonymous.

And this election season is the low of all lows.

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