Tim Kaine: Donald Trump Is Inciting Violence Against Hillary Clinton

Sen. Tim Kaine rightfully says that Trump's violence rhetoric towards Hillary Clinton is now a pattern of behavior.

On Fox News Sunday, Democratic Vice President nominee Tim Kaine, told host Chris Wallace that Donald Trump's recent comments about Hillary and the second amendment is an attempt to incite violence against Hillary Clinton.

On Friday, Donald Trump said this, "I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm immediately. Take their guns away, let's see what happens to her."

This is the second time that Trump has made veiled references that put Hillary Clinton's life in danger.

After playing the clip, Chris Wallace asked, "Senator, do you believe that Donald Trump, in any way was inciting an act of violence against Clinton?"

Kaine replied, "I do believe that, Chris, I was stunned when I saw it, although he has done that before.”

Kaine said that they both support the second amendment, but want gun safety regulations in place.

He continued, "He is using language that is an incitement to violence or an encouragement of violence or at least being kind of cavalier and reckless about violence and that has no place in any election."

Wallace followed up, "What you're saying is fairly stunning. You believe it's an incitement to violence against his opponent - Hillary Clinton?"

Kaine replied, "I do...And when you look at a series of these comments that he is making, I do believe it is incitement or at a minimum an expression of indifference to whether violence would occur. And this is a pattern that has been repeated over and over again."

I'd say we have a pattern appearing here.

And that is the truth.

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